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felipecrespito's News

Posted by felipecrespito - November 11th, 2021

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Eddsworld. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Tom's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Eddsworld truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Tom's existencial catchphrase "Holy lonely pony eating macaronis!", which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Edd Gould's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Eddsworld tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.




Posted by felipecrespito - October 7th, 2021

Shrek is Shrek's Worst Character





They only like him Because of that SHITTY sexualized look

If he existed, he would certailly vote in Donald Trump and would be Against the LGBTQIAP+ Movement



Posted by felipecrespito - August 26th, 2021

After the posts Bissutpid, me and many another people have made about animehater's actions the dumb kid is trying to "expose" Bissutpid and some anothers who calls him out for his actions and obviously failing miserably


First: You just keep repeating the same arguments, you tell the person's who called you out to "get a life" even though bisstupid as already sayed that he not only spend his time on the internet and is very ironical that your saying this when you just spams zero stars and harass nsfw artists, even coming to the point of sending death threats, you're not doing this anymore because you're banned, and also bisstupid's main argument is not your animations, is because you just spams zero stars and harrasing comments and also because you can't take criticism, and also there are people who are even older than him, this isn't like the middle ages where people could easily die of flu and things like that.

Second: DreamEclipse just told you to stop your spam of zero stars and to start use the filters and evilfire just made some constructive criticism on your art and want to give tips for you to get a better artstyle, he didn't even insulted you, and you just answered with your 5th grade insults and give him your empty threats (wich are actually funny to see), you said that they don't have lifes, but dreameclipsewolf spend hours or even days making a art and you just insult him without even giving a motive to this, and I have a life, looking for nsfw art is just 1% of my life, I play some games, I have a friend, I have my mom and my grandparents and I talk to them every day, I listen to music and see youtubers and I have high school, so I don't think we are the ones who need to get a life.

Third: You may have blocked us, but your block won't prevent us from making news posts exposing your stupidity, so we have many things to say =D

In case you aren't understanding anything see my first post about that dumb brat here:


Animehater when someone makes constructive criticism on his art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZmoHrq0mEY


You tell someone to kill themselves just because them made nsfw, you're homophobic and when someone make constructive criticism on your art you just insult this person or threats to "call the police" and when someone calls you out you just completely ignore what them said, atleast tankboi listened to people who have called him out and he stopped, I hope he serves as a example to you (and tankboi, about this post, literally all artists have haters, and in your recent arts I didn't saw any "hate" comments, so I don't understand why have you made this post) how did you expected people will react to this, specially on ng, this isn't like twitter you crybaby brat, you just throw hate on other artists and didn't expect to them throw hate on you back.

EDIT: He's finally blammed, I hope this serves as a lession for you :3



Posted by felipecrespito - June 29th, 2021

Look at this stupid kid on ng, hope he get banned


He just insult nsfw artists and spams zero stars (I have reported 3 of his reviews)




lol imagine you going to hell just because you have annoyed a edgy kid

He also is a homophobe


I tried to make him realize his error but he's to edgy and stupid for his own good






And also it looks like he's intetionally looking for adult content on ng just to insult the creators, he's also a kid (11 years old) and ng isn't a place for kids, and what's the problem of liking naked woman, this is normal, he probably must be a kindergarten bully. P.S: Since I have been a kid, I have the right to say that almost every kid is stupid, when I was your age I have said very dumb things.

And most importantly this:


No, I'm not a pedophile, and also your parents give birth to you by making sex, I think they didn't tell this to you yet (btw I blocked him)

Here's his account so you can report his reviews : https://animehater11.newgrounds.com



Really?! You have harrased various artists several times and now you are complaining that you are being harrased, this is probably the most dumb and hypocrite person I have meet in my life, you could just be quiet, but no, you decided to talk shit on ng, since you can't deal with the consequences, go cry to your mom


Lol you act like sex and nude is ilegal, it's not pervert liking naked girls, this is called sexual attraction, you should really have some serious sex education classes, you're probably asexual or your parents never talked to you about this, get the fuck out, seriously get the fuck out, newgrounds isn't for you, you're not welcomed here and no one wants you here


Again This isn't pervent this is called SEXUAL ATTRACTION, something you probably will never fell in your entire life, and stop calling anyone who dislikes you a pedophile, you can be sued by another people if you continue to do that, see all my favorite art, there isn't any kid in there, I can't sue you because I live in Brasil, but if I was american and had money to hire a lawyer, you will be so fucked, accuse someone of pedophilia isn't a bad joke, it's a crime if the accusations are false, slander and defamation are serious crimes and if someone decides to sue you, who will be fucked will be your parents.

P.S.S: Oh no guys, animehater got blammed again, I'm so sad right now XD, oh and also this:


Listen here kid, the artists on ng are here to do what them love and what most people want, they won't please your anime hate and your anti-NSFW obsession.


So your calculations are wrong because you're 11, and 11 to 15 is a huge age gap, and why liking nude art is making the world a worser place, let people have their opinion and stop pushing anti-NSFW obsession down people's throat, you're also not making the world any good, you're acting like a little dictator, oh and also I forgot to mention that I have did some good to the world, I contributed to you finally stop your spam of harassing comments


The christian god is such a loveable deity, if his sons have a different sexuality, he will hate that son and send him to hell to suffer for trillions and trillions of years <3 (that's one of the reasons why I'm atheist)


If you're "trying to become a great animator" then you need to deal and listen to criticism, actually you need to deal with the fact that they are people with very different opinions and that there's nothing wrong with this

More one of his dumb answers to my review, I can't put the print here but he said: "Dude for the last time, stop acting like an adult when your a minor as well, are you still in 3rd grade or what", Really this is your arguments now, I think you're forgetting the fact that you're 11 years old, I'm already in high school, you're the one the one that is in 3rd grade, and I just make a review I'm not acting like a adult, also one last question, do you have dementia, because it's the second time that you forgot your age
